Document Preview Sharing and Export Tools Something missing? Found an error? Let us know. Report an issue Document FormatBook American Population Before the Federal Census of 1790. Description.cls-1{fill:#fff;}.cls-2{fill:#a12b42;}Author and any Contributors to the publication.Rhode Island section only.Author and Contributors.cls-1{fill:#fff;}.cls-2{fill:#a12b42;}Author and any Contributors to the publication.Greene, Evarts B. | Harrington, Virginia D.Date Published1932Subject(s).cls-1{fill:#fff;}.cls-2{fill:#a12b42;}Topics related to the publicationNew England -- Population. | Population studies -- Rhode Island. | Population. | Rhode Island -- History. | Rhode Island -- Population.PublisherColumbia University PressPlace Of PublicationBaltimore, Md.Holdings.cls-1{fill:#fff;}.cls-2{fill:#a12b42;}Where a physical copy of the publication can be found.Rhode Island Historical SocietyPhysical Description.cls-1{fill:#fff;}.cls-2{fill:#a12b42;}May include volumes, number of pages, dimensions.228p. Document HB3505 G7 1993 Population Before 1790 Census_Rhode Island Rhode Island section only. Download Continue browsing “The Civil War Letters of Peleg G. Jones, Jr.” American Population Before the Federal Census of 1790. Back to items list