The French Spoliation Claims and Rhode Island Claimants: a Paper Read Before the Rhode Island Historical Society, December 1, 1885.
.cls-1{fill:#fff;}.cls-2{fill:#a12b42;}Author and any Contributors to the publication.
Legal claims that resulted from French seizure of American ships during French Revolution. See also this author's article on same subject in NHR, 4 (1886), 202-234; 5 (1887), 286-288 (full text links below).
Author and Contributors
.cls-1{fill:#fff;}.cls-2{fill:#a12b42;}Author and any Contributors to the publication.
.cls-1{fill:#fff;}.cls-2{fill:#a12b42;}The Chicago style citation for this publication.
EATON, AMASA M. The French spoliation claims and Rhode Island claimants: a paper read before the Rhode Island Historical Society, December 1, 1885. Providence: E. L. Freeman, 1885.
Legal claims that resulted from French seizure of American ships during French Revolution. See also this author's article on same subject in NHR, 4 (1886), 202-234; 5 (1887), 286-288 (full text links below).