Document Preview Sharing and Export Tools Something missing? Found an error? Let us know. Report an issue Document FormatBook John Gordon’s Petition: To His Excellency James Fenner, Governor of the State of Rhode Island. Description.cls-1{fill:#fff;}.cls-2{fill:#a12b42;}Author and any Contributors to the publication.Petition for reprieve from execution for the conviction of murder of Amasa Sprague.Author and Contributors.cls-1{fill:#fff;}.cls-2{fill:#a12b42;}Author and any Contributors to the publication.Gordon, John. | Gordon, William.Date Published1845Subject(s).cls-1{fill:#fff;}.cls-2{fill:#a12b42;}Topics related to the publicationBlake, Joseph M., 1809-1879. | Gordon family. | Gordon, John, d. 1845. | Gordon, Nicholas, -- d. 1846. | Gordon, William, fl. 1843. | Irish Americans -- Rhode Island -- Providence -- History. | Rhode Island -- History. | Sprague family. | Sprague, Amasa, 1798-1843. | Trials (Murder) -- Rhode Island -- Providence. | Trials, litigation, etc. -- Rhode Island.Place Of PublicationProvidence, R.I.Holdings.cls-1{fill:#fff;}.cls-2{fill:#a12b42;}Where a physical copy of the publication can be found.Rhode Island Historical SocietyPhysical Description.cls-1{fill:#fff;}.cls-2{fill:#a12b42;}May include volumes, number of pages, dimensions.8p.Link to RIHS Digital Catalog.cls-1{fill:#fff;}.cls-2{fill:#a12b42;}Links to the Rhode Island Historical Society record (NETOP) Continue browsing The Rights and the Wrongs of Rhode Island; Comprising Views of Liberty and Law, of Religion and Rights, as Exhibited in the Recent and exciting Difficulties in that State. Rhode Island and the Civil War: Voices from the Ocean State. Back to items list