Document Preview Sharing and Export Tools Something missing? Found an error? Let us know. Report an issue Document FormatBook Consideration on the Rhode Island Question. (The Adoption of a Constitution, and Extension of the Right of Suffrage.) Author and Contributors.cls-1{fill:#fff;}.cls-2{fill:#a12b42;}Author and any Contributors to the publication.Potter, Elisha Reynolds.Date Published1842Link to Full Text.cls-1{fill:#fff;}.cls-2{fill:#a12b42;}A link to an external website that has the full text available.{fill:#fff;}.cls-2{fill:#a12b42;}Topics related to the publicationPotter, Elisha Reynolds, 1811-1882. | Rhode Island -- History. | Rhode Island -- Politics and Government. | Suffrage. | Suffragists -- Rhode Island.PublisherThomas H. Webb & Comp.Place Of PublicationBoston, Mass.Holdings.cls-1{fill:#fff;}.cls-2{fill:#a12b42;}Where a physical copy of the publication can be found.Rhode Island Historical SocietyPhysical Description.cls-1{fill:#fff;}.cls-2{fill:#a12b42;}May include volumes, number of pages, dimensions.64p. Continue browsing Report of the Committee on the Indian Tribe, Made to the General Assembly, October Session, 1852. Address Delivered at the Opening of the State Normal School, at Providence, May 29, 1854, with Documents. Back to items list