Charters and Legislative Documents, Illustrative of Rhode-Island History, Showing that the People of Rhode Island, from the Foundation of the State, until Their Constitution of 1842, Possessed and Exercised the Rights of Self-Government; and in what Manner and Under what Form of Government They Declared Their Independence, in 1776, Became a Member of the Confederation of the United States, in 1778, and Adopted the Constitution of the United States in 1790.
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Rhode Island Historical Society
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Citation (Chicago Style)
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CHARTERS and legislative documents, illustrative of Rhode-Island history, showing that the people of Rhode Island, from the foundation of the state, until their constitution of 1842, possessed and exercised the rights of self-government; and in what manner and under what form of government they declared their independence, in 1776, became a member of the Confederation of the United States, in 1778, and adopted the constitution of the United States in 1790. Providence: Knowles & Vose, 1844.