Document Preview Sharing and Export Tools Something missing? Found an error? Let us know. Report an issue Document FormatBook A Glance Back, A Thought Forward: A 25 Year History of Eta Chapter, Theta Chi Fraternity, Rhode Island State College, Kingston, R.I., May 2, 1936. Author and Contributors.cls-1{fill:#fff;}.cls-2{fill:#a12b42;}Author and any Contributors to the publication.Theta Chi Fraternity. Eta Chapter.Date Published1936Subject(s).cls-1{fill:#fff;}.cls-2{fill:#a12b42;}Topics related to the publicationFraternities -- Rhode Island. | Great Depression. | South Kingstown (R.I.) -- History. | Theta Chi Fraternity. Eta Chapter. | Universities and Colleges -- Rhode Island. | University of Rhode Island.Place Of PublicationKingston, R.I.Holdings.cls-1{fill:#fff;}.cls-2{fill:#a12b42;}Where a physical copy of the publication can be found.University of Rhode Island Library, Kingston, R.I.Physical Description.cls-1{fill:#fff;}.cls-2{fill:#a12b42;}May include volumes, number of pages, dimensions.116p. Continue browsing A Preliminary Report on the Excavation at the House of Jireh Bull on Tower Hill in Rhode Island. “Beginnings: The Earliest Days of the URI Campus.” Back to items list